Online Reputation Management

Reputation management – which is basically just managing a viewer’s perception of you or your company brand online – is a fast-growing field in the world of digital marketing. Brand-related search traffic encompasses almost 50% of total search traffic for some companies and is an incredibly important tool for converting visitors into customers or clients. With this new-age of technology, how you are perceived online is arguably more important than how your company is perceived in real life.

Reputation management services Dayton, OH
Online reputation management

Online Reputation is Everything

Reputation management includes controlling and influencing the way a customer base perceives a particular brand. It mostly happens online, where your brand’s positive image can significantly increase the chances of a consumer buying your service or product.

Since this is the era of digitalization, building a reputation greatly depends on customer reviews on a business’s social media and other online platforms. For example, nowadays, people check a handful of online reviews before deciding on which restaurant or café to go to.

Because of this, you must continuously monitor your brand’s online reputation. So, how can you create a strategy that works for your business? That’s where Hard Media can help!

Steps to Create a Successful Reputation Management Plan

1. Check Where Your Business Gathers Reviews From: It’s critical to know where your business is being talked about. Search the internet to explore the type of conversations your brand is a part of and what is being said about it. It’s best to seek out all kinds of conversations to understand the intent and customer perception.

2. Create a Management Strategy: When you know your customers’ perception of your brand, you need to move forward on improving it. Regardless of how much your brand is favored, the strategy should include the following:

  • Who will regularly track the online reviews and conversations?
  • How will you decide which reviews require responses?
  • What will be the tone while responding to these reviews or comments?

3. Take Action: After understanding how customers view your business, it’s time to take action. Even if your business experiences a whiplash of negative reviews, make use of those pain points to improve and innovate. In contrast, positive reviews enable you to see what you’re doing and should continue to do.

Taking action on reviews, comments, and feedback will build your brand’s positive reputation while you give consumers what they need. And remember, you must regularly practice these steps to keep the momentum building.

Online Reputation Management Company

Take action with a strategic and consistent reputation management plan today.